Wednesday, November 26, 2003

08:25 / 09:25
Got a lift to station (it was blowing and tipping it down) from Will (in-laws staying with us for a few days).

Bump still not happy. makes rather pathetic sobbing sound (cross between moaning and crying, really) when not dosed up on nurofen / calpol. poor little boy :-( His rather lovely mummy was up a couple of times in the night just holding him. Eventually, we took him to bed with us, and all slept most of the night. Still rather tired this am. Sq must be even worse! :-(

Tuesday, November 25, 2003


Still quite tired after Bump's bad time Sunday night.
Have now invested in bottle of nurofen for kids.
It comes with nifty syringe so they don't have to take it from a spoon (slightly tricky if you're very little). The syringe fits snugly into the top of the bottle so you can invert it and draw off just the right amount. cool :0)

Read some of Is 61, 63 this morning.
Don't have a lot of NRG to tell you about my thoughts, but I'll start with some notes I made the other day:

Colossians 1:9+

Paul prays for the Colossians. What is his prayer, in essence? That they be filled with the knowledge of God's will.
This, he prays, will happen by having all spiritual wisdom and understanding.
Sounds cool.

The result, Paul says, will be that they live lives worthy of God, and please God in every way.
So, the way to please God is to be full of spiritual wisdom and understanding so that you are filled with the knowledge of God's will. I guess that sounds sensible.

How do we please God? Reading on, Paul explains:

  • Doing good works which bear fruit.

  • Growing in the knowledge of God.

  • Endurance and Patience ...
    ... which come by being strengthenned with power from God.

  • Give joyful thanks to God.

Glory! :0)

Most of this, then, seems to rest on what God does in me: strengthenning me with power, filling me with wisdom and understanding. The way to obtain these, then, is twofold: prayer and obedience.
I don't know about you, but I'm working on both of these ;-)

Monday, November 24, 2003

09:05 / 10:00
cold gone, but Bump was wailing distressingly from the time he went to bed last night. Rang TTDOC. Finally took him in at c. 23:00. Nice doctor diagnosed ear infection. Isn't that what wussy kids get who are ill all the time? Don't want any of that, thank you! Still, could be a follow-on from his cold. Doc said to give nurofen rather than calpol, as it's much more effective for this kind of pain. Dosed B up accordingly, and he slept after some TLC from his mummy.
I slept until 08:10.

Apart from that, had a busy but effective weekend.
Sale thing went OK.
Fun Evening was fab. I really enjoyed myself. My contribution seemed to go down well.
Lots of talented people did turns - most of whom hadn't done this sort of thing before. All really encouraging. Also, I got to know more people - several from the Calvery crew, which is really cool.
I used most of my verbal gags - forgot all props for the visual ones! ... mainly as a result of the general level of hassle of the day. Still, it all went well. Next time (if I get asked to do it again - which, in all modesty, I think I might - although, it's good to give other people a chance too), I must recruit assistants to be in charge of marshalling the acts, humping the microphones, etc.

It occurs to me that I ought to blog my daily bible readings, and my thoughts on them - as well as what God says about them.

So, I've been reading Colossians (after Dave gave a short talk from bits of chapters 1 & 2 about the Trinity).
I haven't got too far. Tomorrow I plan to go into more detail.

Until then...

Friday, November 21, 2003

08:25 / 09:25
throat slightly better.
sq drove me to station, cos poor AJ so ill and it was raining.
I'll walk up to yoof from High Brooms tonite - I'm sure RMump will give me a lift home afterwards.
not sure what to say in my 1-minute talk. Will probably say that we all have a Jesus-shaped hole in us, and that if we let Jesus fill it, life will go right.

Only 3 more yoofs till end of term (plus the last one, but I can't make that).

tomorrow is a bit of a packed day: sale thing in the am (yoof - in the persons of Sq and self and a few kids) are doing "guess the name of the cuddly dog", "guess the number of sweets in the jar" and helium-filled balloons - He He He! :0)
Then I've got the Fun Evening in the - er - evening. Hope my throat is OK - I'll be doing a lot of talking. I'm sure the Lord is well in control, and will work it all out for his glory - which is what we want, isn't it?? 0;0-)

Thursday, November 20, 2003

got the 08:01, but only because it didn't arrive til 08:25.
into work 09:20
definitely got a sore throat.
eating loads of strepsils.
prayed that God would heal it, but clearly I have doubts. What's the way around this? Pray about it, obviously. God seems to be delivering answers to so many prayers, that I can't see any other way of tackling problems.

Incidentally, there are some people for whom I try to pray each week.
My prayer list is:

Mon - RHGJ & CMJ
Tue - Fluf & the girls
Wed - SH
Thu - C,M & J (may take these guys off now, as I'm not really in contact)
Fri - K & S.

Also, pray for: Liz & Roshan, Sq & Bump and occasionally David & Marion.

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

got the 08:25.
into work for 09:20!
the train must have been speeding.

Sq went to family meeting last night. had great time of worship, which took up most of the meeting. Also, S & C are now officially Youth Pastor (& Pastoress??!), which is great. Still, we had a not-short chat about yoof stuff afterwards.

Had coffee with K today. fab. chatted about things bothering him, things bothering me. Great chat. I found it really theraputic! I'm sure K found my advice as amazingly great as I thought it was.

Did actually replace brakes last night.
(a very oily experience).
This morning, I found, novelly, that I am able to arrest progress with some efficiency!
Chances of living to 100 now significantly improved!

btw, last wed. was birthday (37).

Have spoken to Sq.
Seems that my bd prez has at last arrived: 4-DVD LOTR 2 Towers :0)

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Spent an hour or so @ church last night with Richard and Prill, rehearsing our illusion for Saturday.
We'll be on as the last act of the first half (I think it's a bit off to put yourself as the closing act of the whole thing! Plus, I'm not quite confident enough to do that ;). We came a long way - it definitely looks good if it works. I'm really glad we rehearsed - we found some dodgy angles, and were able to work out how to handle everything - where to stand, which hand to pick things up in, etc. Most importantly, we were able to work out and practise the details of how Prill gets on. I would tell you, but that would rater spoil it, wouldn't it??? ;0)
If you fancy, come along - it's this Saturday (22nd Nov 2003) at New Life Church, Speldhurst Road, Tunbridge Wells. ;0)

Got the 08:25.
On time. Into work for 09:25.
I REALLY must replace the brake blocks on my bike before I kill myself.
I think Sarah's going out tonight, so I'll do it then.

Monday, November 17, 2003

I really ought to use this blog thing.
I could just post about what I'm doing / how I'm feeling.
don't know if anyone would be interested, but you never know...

I think I'll start doing that.
perhaps tomorrow... ;)

Tuesday, February 18, 2003

First post to my Blog. :0)
Please forgive my over-use of smileys! ;-L