Tuesday, January 31, 2006

I happenned to pick up a headline from reddit just now (www.reddit.com), saying that Coretta Scott King has died. She was the widow of Martin Luther King.
I read someone quoted in the article (http://thefuturum.com/blog/?p=404) as saying

“It’s a bleak morning for me and for many people and yet it’s a great morning because we have a chance to look at her and see what she did and who she was.”

Now, I'm a senitmental old thing, and I couldn't help mentally rewriting that to say:

It's a bleak morning for many people, and yet, if I could hear Coretta's voice whispering over the morning wind, perhaps I would hear her encouraging me: "It's a great morning because it's illegal to advertise a job 'for whites only'. It's a great morning because there are no longer black seats and white seats on buses. It's a great morning because it is no longer tolerated to question a man's intelligence, ability or patriotism because of the colour of his skin." We are not there yet, but it's a great morning.

Yes. It's a great morning.